Dinosaur Buddies
Showing 13 products
Unexpectedly, Rasmus and Timmy find a mysterious treasure map in the bushes near Rex's cave. It turns out that a valuable treasure lies deep in the swampy forest. Rasmus is afraid that the path to it is filled with terrifying...
From early morning, Rasmus is waiting for his friend Timmy, who constantly drops by to wake Rasmus up. However, one day Timmy doesn't come. Rasmus is worried: what happened to his friend? He decides to immediately search for Timmy. But...
One morning, Dad Rex showed Rasmus and Timmy the map of the Dinosaur Kingdom. The friends excitedly imagined what lay beyond its borders. Timmy wanted to see everything with his own eyes. So Rasmus and Timmy set off on an...
Unexpectedly for everyone, real winter arrives: it gets colder, snow falls, and ice appears on the lake. To have some fun, Mom Rex decides to organize a winter fishing competition. The grand prize is a can of mackerel in tomato...
The families of Rasmus Rex and Timmy Troodon decide to spend the summer together. They plan to visit Timmy's grandfather in the mountains to the north. He is quite an inventor and a quirky character, living in a cave. But...
One morning, Rasmus Rex was decisively awakened by his friend Timmy Troodon. Timmy has big news: his mom's egg is about to hatch, and he will have a little brother! The friends decide to take a shortcut through the Swampy...
Rasmus Rex visits the beach with his family and friend Timmy. Rasmus is not a very good swimmer, so when his older brother Robin challenges Rasmus and Timmy to a swimming race, it can't end well. Refusing to compete doesn't...
For Christmas, Grandpa Troodon sent Timmy a big and mysterious surprise gift. And unfortunately, the package and the postman... got lost on the way! Will Rasmus and Timmy not see a present before Christmas? Friends are not used to giving...
Once upon a time, Daddy Rex told Rasmus and Timmy an amazing story. It turns out that in the Dark Cove, there is an old sunken ship with a whole pile of treasures on board! But they are guarded day...
Today Rasmus woke up and realized: the unluckiest day of the year has come! The little dinosaur is sure to either bump his head or end up with bruises just getting out of bed. Moreover, adventures are definitely waiting for...
This year Rasmus and Timmy decided to properly celebrate Halloween. The friends wore special costumes to scare the other little dinosaurs. However, Rasmus is no longer thrilled about this idea: everyone is in scary costumes and masks... brrr. Moreover, Rasmus...
Одного разу родини Расмуса й Тіммі вирішили влаштувати ночівлю… У НАМЕТАХ! Гарна ідея, чи не так? Однак Расмусові вона зовсім не до душі, а ще мама Рекс сказала, що вночі буде злива! А от Тіммі в захваті від цієї події:...
Одного дня, коли Рамус та Тіммі завітали в гості до дідуся Троодона, йому саме надійшов лист. «У гнізді на високій сосні покинуте яйце», - писала тітонька Троодон. Що ж робити? Але ж у дідуся Троодона є повітряна куля! Треба летіти...