Showing 39 products
The heroes of the picture book are various animals, funny little monsters, and even robots that will keep the child entertained. On each page of the book, a multitude of bright objects, amusing situations, and interesting questions about colors, shapes,...
"The little ones wait for these stories every evening. The wonderful illustrations soothe and inspire magical dreams. Evening time for communication with the child."
How much transport is at sea! "Passenger and cargo ships, boats, cruise liners, sailboats, submarines, icebreakers, military ships, and also: ferry, barge, hovercraft, catamaran, and much more. Oh, who is this here? Pirates! They want to steal the treasure -...
Such books exist only in childhood! The kid flips through the pages, and voluminous illustrations come to life in front of him, as if by a wave of a magic wand. The child enters the world of Fairy Tales. A...
How many planes are in the sky! Passenger, cargo, ultralight, gliders, fighters, helicopters… Modern and vintage, sports and rescue, along with them — drones, flying kites, hot air balloons, and the most imaginative airplanes. The airspace is as congested as...
With this book, you can play in different ways: spin it, shake it, rock it, even blow on it and stroke it. The child will actively participate in the story and interact with the main character of the book on...
Find and show your favorite character! The series of "Wimmelbuchs" "Find Murchik!" is a book collection with the game "Find and Show" for the youngest readers. On each page, the child will find their favorite characters: the cat Murchik and...
You are holding an incredible look-and-find book about the most diverse transportation, illustrated by the German artist Ali Mitgutsch. The bright illustrations are sure to captivate both children and adults.With each viewing, new and interesting details of the world of...
The bright pages of this wimmelbuch hide a true adventure - the story of Emil from the Piglet family. Difficult challenges await him: to deliver invitations to the housewarming party, and not just deliver them, but to reach each desired...
"A Year in the Forest" is twelve paintings about twelve months of one year. Each month is a detailed "frame" of the forest with all its inhabitants depicted in various situations, in different weather, during the day or at night....
Go to the village with Bode and Mysa! Visit Mr. Hleb's farm, Mrs. Eva's stable, and Mrs. Maryna's pottery. Watch how jam is made and bake a wonderful cake for the holiday. You will definitely not be bored! This part...
"Bodio learns to speak" encourages the child to play sound imitation. The book is relevant from 10 months to the age when the child begins to say the first words. This is the first book in a series about the...
The lullaby book "Soon You Will Fall Asleep Too. Lullaby of the Seasons" tells about the fleeting nature of existence, during which one season changes to another. All of them are extraordinarily perfect and beautiful. Each of them has its...
Bodio wants to have fun, but the evening is coming and everyone is getting ready for bed. Mysya is already asleep, so you need to be quiet so as not to wake her up. And what do others do? The...
A book that combines the most interesting activities for children: a wimmelbuch, stickers, and puzzles. Each spread features a bright, detail-rich scene from the life of the Rabbit Kingdom: underground labyrinths of burrow-homes, the Olympic Games, a hiking trip, and...
"Bodie Says First Words" is the second book in the series about Bodie and his family. It is relevant for children who are beginning to say their first words. With its help, your child will associate words with immediate actions,...
Find and show your favorite character! The series of "Wimmelbuchs" "Find Murchik!" is a book collection with the game "Find and Show" for the youngest readers. On each page, the child will find their favorite characters: the cat Murchik and...
Bodio and Mysya joyfully start the day. Children greet the sun, the squirrel they saw outside the window, and even the cars on the street. Then they brush their teeth, get dressed and have breakfast. Do not forget to feed...
Find and show your favorite character! The series of "Wimmelbuchs" "Find Murchik!" is a book collection with the game "Find and Show" for the youngest readers. On each page, the child will find their favorite characters: the cat Murchik and...
"There are so many vehicles here! Cars, trucks, modern ones, retro... And also - cranes, excavators, buses, garbage trucks, harvesters, and many, many others." "What do they not produce: crossing the border, standing in traffic jams, showing off in the...
A book that combines the most interesting activities for children: a wimmelbuch, stickers, and puzzles. On each spread, there is a bright, detail-rich scene from the life of a mouse city: a bustling fair, sports competitions, winter fun, and even...
The third book in the series about Bodya and his family will help take the next step in speech development: moving on to speaking in coherent sentences and mastering the basics of grammar. It will be useful for children who...
The book from the "Gentle Pages" series is specially created for the emotional development of a child. Little mouse Lifi's birthday is coming soon! Her daddy Archibald decided to make an incredible gift for his beloved daughter. For this, he...
"We invite you to the bright and exciting world of Bunny Franz!""You can't even imagine how much interesting stuff is happening in Kutsokhvosti!"Embarking on a journey through the pages of this colorful book, little and adult lovers of wimmelbooks will...
Wimmelbuch – a book for toddlers that develops
A Wimmelbuch is an illustrated puzzle book with bright pictures. Such a publication is made in a large format similar to a comic book without printed text. These books are suitable for children from two years old, but the large number of characters, each living their own life on the pages of the book, makes it relevant for toddlers aged 6-7 years. There are cases when it is beneficial for adults to relax with such a book in hand.
Why are books called big Wimmelbooks?
The main feature of such publications is the complete absence of text. This allows the child to independently invent the events taking place on the pages of the publication. That is, such a book promotes the development of imagination in children, teaches them about the behavior of animals and people. Also, picture books are often dedicated to any season, highlighting the key characteristics of the season.
What is a wimmelbook and what does it teach a child?
In addition to developing imagination and worldview, a child learns to coordinate their attention. This happens through the use of small details that make up the narrative, which cannot be seen without dedicating the appropriate time to them. A child aged 2-3 years will not pay special attention to this, so it is useful to read such books together with parents, where the little ones will be pointed out interesting details of the story.
Family book with various stories
Sitting together with your child, you will be able to independently come up with various stories while looking through the book. A Wimmelbuch can be a true detective story, or a bright adventure tale, fantasy, or an interesting humorous story. The plot in the narrative completely depends on your imagination. By reading such books, parents teach their child to independently fantasize and create individual stories. This approach to reading is very appealing to toddlers and expands their worldview. Thus, the child gains an interesting experience:
- Develops imagination and attention;
- Every time you can create a new plot;
- In the created story, the whole book is involved;
- Many illustrations that contribute to a better imagination.
Where to buy Wimmelbuch books in Germany?
The online store kazka.de offers bright and interesting books in Ukrainian. The proposed editions are distinguished not only by a large number of bright pictures but also by their appearance. Such a book has a small number of pages, and instead of regular printing paper, it uses sturdy cardboard. Therefore, a wimmelbuch can be given to children without worrying that they might damage it. For a toddler, it can become a kind of toy and their first experience of independently creating an interesting story in their imagination.
Why is it worth buying a Wimmelbuch?
"For the book to start fulfilling the function of developing your child, it is important not just to purchase the edition and give it to the little one, but also to set appropriate tasks for the child:"
- Highlight a specific character and ask about their actions on the corresponding page;
- Suggest to count specific objects in the picture;
- Ask about the emotional state, character of a particular character, describe his habits and behavior.
Such questions should be asked even to the youngest children, and accordingly, the answers should be sought independently or together with the child.