8 years


Showing 868 products

Children about intimate things
Юлія Ярмоленко

This book talks about very important things - the organs that we cover with underwear. Not because they are ugly or shameful, but because we treat them with great respect and delicacy. They are called sexual organs or genitals. These...

Flashcard. German Language. Grade 1-2. (Double-sided 20*15 cm)

The hint card contains the basic rules, definitions and schemes of the German language. It will become an indispensable assistant for students of grades 1-2 during lessons and at home.

Leichtes Deutsсh. Дітям 4-9 років, що вивчають німецьку
Василій Федієнко

In our time, knowledge of the German language is no longer a whim or a hobby, but often a necessity. And it is essential to lay the groundwork for future language proficiency as early as possible, utilizing the enormous ability...

Poster Ukrainian Alphabet A2 format

The poster is intended for everyone who is learning Ukrainian letters. Along with the letters, it features images that contain the same letter.

Каліграфічні прописи. Експрес-шаблон
Василій Федієнко

Thanks to the unique patented graphic template used in the notebook — the frequent slanted line — the child will be able to standardize not only the height but also the width of letters and elements, and will learn to...

Flashcard. Alphabet. Ukrainian Language. Grade 1-2. 20*15 cm

The hint card contains: the Ukrainian alphabet, vowel and consonant sounds, conventional designations of sounds, rules for division into syllables. It will become an indispensable assistant for students of grades 1-2 during lessons and at home.

The Adventures of Petson and Findus
Свен Нордквіст

Welcome to the estate of Petson and Findus! "Here you will see chickens, cows, and all sorts of little mice. But you won't be able to see the fox because Findus chased him away. Together with Grandpa and the clever...

Notebook in a spiral line - 12 sheets. (with various designs on the cover)
Фарбований лис
Іван Франко

The wonderful and bright illustrations by Oleg Kynal will take you to the world of the distant forest to Fox Mykyta! Once upon a time in a forest lived Fox Mykyta, very cunning indeed. No matter how many hunters hunted...

Applications for toddlers. Fun activities
Микола Дмітрух

A booklet with colored templates for applications on the theme "Fun Activities".

Країна неслухняних дітей
Валентина Кохан

"After a quarrel with his parents, Danilko was sucked into a portal that opened right in his room. And in a moment, the boy landed on some arrogant girl who called herself..." "Katruseyu. Amazing? Maybe. But Danilko has no time...

[1] The Great Illustrated Book of Fairy Tales

A book with such generous illustrations is very rare. Wonderful fairy tales by Ukrainian and foreign writers with luxurious illustrations by leading Ukrainian artists.

Різдво на Бузиновій вулиці
Мартіна Баумбах

This book will tell you about the adventures of five friends who live in the same house on Elderberry Street. Each new day brings them fun, interesting adventures, and life lessons. And also small and big joys, which make up...

Джуді Муді. Книга 1
Меґан МакДоналд

In the first book of the series about Judy Moody, you will meet this funny girl who often changes her mood. It can be good, bad, pre-school, school – any kind. She also has a younger brother named Stink, her...

Лісовий концерт + щоденник читача. 10 історій по складах
Юлія Каспарова

"10 Stories by Syllables" — a series of captivating books with short texts for reading practice. All words in the books are presented in large print and divided into syllables. This way, beginner readers will find it easier to develop...

Велика енциклопедія молодшого школяра. Все про все
Яна Батій

The book "Everything about everything. The big encyclopedia of a junior high school student" became one of the winners of the 13th "Art of the Book" competition in the category educational and reference publications! Is it everything and about everything?...

German-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-German Dictionary-Reference. Grades 2-4
Матієв Роман

The dictionary contains over 11,000 words and phrases in German and Ukrainian. At the end of the dictionary, there are expressions for school use and interesting exercises that provide the opportunity to deepen one's knowledge while working with the dictionary....

Робочий зошит Arbeitsheft. 1. Stufe. Deutsch mit Spass
Олена Бєлозьорова

The publication (author Bielozirova O. M.) is a collection of exercises for mastering and practicing the letters, elementary vocabulary, and grammar of the German language. The themes of the manual correspond to the current program for foreign languages, so it...

Poster. Ukrainian Alphabet Uppercase

The poster is addressed to everyone who studies or teaches the Ukrainian language. Along with printed letters, it features images of uppercase letters and shows the direction of their writing.

[2] The Great Illustrated Book of Fairy Tales

Fairy tales by Ukrainian and foreign writers with drawings by leading Ukrainian illustrators. Editing and general editing by Ivan Malkovich.

Applications for toddlers. Butterflies
Володимир Мельник

A booklet with colored templates for applications on the theme "Butterflies".

Джуді Муді стає знаменитою. Книга 2
Меґан МакДоналд

The second book in the series about the funny girl. All the kids around Judy Moody are already a little famous, and Jessica Finch has even become the Spelling Queen. Judy also discovered that her dad won a radio quiz,...

Companion of the Primer
Василь Федієнко

All parents know how difficult yet important it is to teach a child to read. After all, reading is the first step in the great and challenging "adult" learning process that awaits the child. The first successes or failures will...

Judy Moody Saves the World. Book 3
Меґан МакДоналд

This is the third book in the series about Judy Moody. What to do if you want to save the world, but your family is destroying the rainforest? Judy Moody doesn't give up and starts small, because the teacher said...


8 years

Reading with an 8-year-old child

8 years is the age when children's thinking and psyche begin to form, cognitive abilities develop, and interest in the surrounding world awakens. It is important to instill a love for books during this period, both for fairy tales and for those that develop analytical thinking and logic. Books for an 8-year-old child are available in a huge variety, so it will be easy to choose the right option.

If you have already instilled a love for literature in your little one from a young age, congratulations! Once the child has learned to read, the main task of parents is to select various books for children that should be interesting and engaging. These can be stories or works for independent study.

What books do children prefer?

Every parent understands that children need to read, but what exactly? Some find it difficult to choose age-appropriate books for kids. Usually, 8-year-olds will not read huge boring stories; they will only choose those works that interest them with their unusualness, humor, and charm.

Knowing the characteristics of this age, it will be possible to better understand what the son or daughter desires and to figure out the advantages of a young reader:

  1. "This is a time of great discoveries, new knowledge, and previously unknown information. A child usually wants to see the big world; they will enjoy Ukrainian books for 8-year-olds about adventures and travels."
  2. A useful choice becomes literature that tells how to act in various situations. For example, how to make friends, how to behave with the opposite sex.
  3. Fairy tales are still relevant, as children continue to develop their imagination and fantasy, and have not completely left childhood.

At this age, separation begins, and the child becomes more independent. Parents may feel that their little one is drifting away, but this is not the case. The tradition of reading together can become an important bonding factor that helps maintain warmth in the relationship with the child.

Popular genres

"Of course, fairy tales should be included in the list of popular genres among children of this age group. These are the old good stories about courage, bravery, friendship, honesty, and kindness. The genre remains relevant thanks to its brave heroes, plots with allegorical notes, interesting stories, and easy reading."

A story is another popular genre characterized by a small volume, a simple and clear plot line, and a limited number of characters. One can choose children's books about summer, nature, people, animals, and school. For 8-year-old children, a story serves as a stepping stone that helps transition from fairy tales to more serious and complex children's works.

Another genre worth paying attention to is fantasy. It immerses children in other worlds, helping to develop their imagination and creativity. An interesting book for a child in the fantasy genre is characterized by its vividness and richness of plot. Fantastic adventures captivate young readers and compel them to read the work to the very last drop.

Where to buy the book

"You can quickly buy a book for a girl or a boy in the online store 'Kazka.de'. A rich selection of literature will allow you to choose the optimal option and satisfy your child's reading needs. The following internet books for children are in demand:"

  • "Think Like Sherlock Holmes" (authors: Carlo Carzan, Sonya Skalko);
  • "The Merry Rogers and the Monster's Gold" (Johnny Duddle);
  • "Captain's Island" (Sofia Prokofjeva);
  • "Pepper, Mint and School" (Irmgard Kramer).

Books for children in Germany are easy to purchase. They are shipped all over the world, including to America, Canada, China, and Australia. The online store is located in Germany. You can buy a book for a boy from any corner of Europe.

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